Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Month of Love

My love/hate relationship with February:  I hate Valentine's Day.  I always have.  There's something about forced affection for marketing purposes that drives me crazy.  I'd rather receive unprompted, genuine, random acts of kindness.  I'd also like to give unprompted, genuine, random acts of kindness.  On the flip side, I'm not a total Valentine scrooge.  What I love about February:  it makes me "officially" stop and reflect upon the relationships that are most important to me and hold a place in my heart.  I recently read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  It is an interesting book.  In her pursuit of happiness, she managed her goals into a system where she focused on one goal for an entire month.  Obviously for February, she focused on REALLY loving the people who are most important to her.  Even when she didn't feel like it.  After all, don't they say that real love is an action, not an emotion?  So that got me thinking and for the month of February, each day I want to reflect upon and find a way to show the people I love that I really do love them.  I'm hoping that I will develop the "habit" of loving people.  I know they say it takes 30 days to form a habit, well this year is leap year so I'm working with 29 days....we'll see what happens!

I also decided to participate in the February photo-a-day challenge.  They give you a prompt for each day; some are completely random and others not so much.  I'm looking forward to the creative aspect of this challenge!  Here's my first photo and the prompt was "my view today":

Here's to love!


  1. Hey...okay, so I looked up that book. It looks fun. It sort of reminds me of the Jen Hatmaker, "Seven" book....but a lighter version of it. :) I'll have to see if the library has it.

    And guess what? I started the Freeze Frame...I'll e-mail you a link. My first picture wasn't very good....but I"m exhausted today...and it took me WAY TOO LONG to set that blog up.


  2. Kristen, that is a wonderful idea! What better way to spend a month than to focus on loving people!
