Before the US implemented the suspension, there were 80 families who had referrals for a child. Of these 80 families, only a few had received their travel approval from Nepal. Of the few who had their travel approval, 12 made it to Kathmandu to finalize their adoption. Of those 12, no one has had their visa approved for the child to enter the US. Some of these adoptions have been finalized and are legally recognized by both US and Nepal governments; however, even though the child is legally theirs, if they can't get a visa, the child cannot enter the US.
The US embassy in Kathmandu can only approve the cases for the entrance visa. What has been told to the families is that all 80 files will be sent to the US embassy in New Delhi, India. The embassy there is larger and there are 4 options that can happen:
1. Approve
2. Request further investigation of paperwork/information on the child and the case
3. Issue a NOID (notice of intent to deny)
4. Deny
Option 1 = YAY!!!! In option 2 and 3, the PAPs (potential adoptive parent) can hire an immigration attorney to appeal. If option 4 is issued right away, there is nothing the PAP can do and the child must stay in the orphanage.
At first, this might seem like this is not good news. I feel differently. I've prayed about this A LOT and I have a general sense of peace. I think that this move is actually going to end up being a very positive move for the Nepal adoptions. I don't want to say why because there are 2 very influential organizations that believe that children should not be adopted out of their country, that in the case of Nepal, only Nepali citizens should be allowed to adopt Nepali orphans. Like I said, these organizations have a lot of money and influence and they are putting a lot of pressure on the US government and other first world countries as well.
I think the US government is trying very hard to make intercountry adoption with Nepal work. I know that Nepal is in the process of becoming Hague compliant and they want the intercountry adoption program to work. The US was the last country to implement a suspension. UK, Sweden, Italy, Canada and Germany, among others, issued a complete closure of adoptions from Nepal. The US waited and has only issued a suspension of adoptions of abandoned children. Even though the percentage is quite low, adoptions of relinquished and true orphans (death of parent) are still able to be processed. This is not the case with the other countries. I believe that the US is trying to do the best it can to verify that these children are indeed truly adoptable and at the same time, satisfying the complaints of the 2 organizations I mentioned earlier.
I wholeheartedly believe that SofĂa will get here at the perfect time (even if I think that little turkey is taking the long way home!) and when she does, I will be able to see how perfect the timing really is.
A couple of weeks ago I read this verse:
"Be strong and courageous! Don't be afraid or discouraged... for there is a power far greater on our side!...We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!" - 2 Chronicles 32:7-8
I really believe that this is God's battle, not mine and anyway, there is nothing I can do but trust in him. He truly has given me peace and for that, I am very thankful. I know that He knows where she is, what her life circumstances are and I'm confident that he is watching over her.
Supposedly in October, the entire country of Nepal shuts down for festival month. So, whatever happens by the end of September will probably be the last thing I hear about the process for awhile.
Thanks for all of your prayers. I don't doubt for a minute that they are a huge part of why I have peace:)