Thursday, May 1, 2014

Article 5!!

I realized that I never posted that I finally got Article 5!!!!  I got the email from the Embassy on the 24th of April but the letter is actually dated for the 14th.  Not sure how that works since they emailed me on the 20th saying they were working on it!  I'm SO excited and so thankful that everything has moved out of the US and officially into Ind*a!!!   I'm praying for the next steps and hoping that they will happen super duper fast :)

1)  State level clearance
2)  Federal level clearance
3)  Court clearance
4 )  Written orders
5)  Passport
6)  TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The night before I received it, I told Munni bird that I just wanted us to have some fun so we went to a local playground and she did what she does best…. swing, swing, swing!

I'm praying like crazy!  Having all this fun with Munni makes me think about all the fun the three of us are going to have and I keep thinking I just want to kiss her cheeks so badly!


  1. Great news and hoping things move quickly for you so you can travel ASAP!

  2. Awesome news!!! Munni looks so healthy and wonderful!! :)

  3. Awesome, can't wait to see photos of three of you enjoying and smiley face of your second baby just like Munni!!!
