Monday, November 15, 2010

Double Down

So here's the latest and greatest on both Nepal and the Congo.

I found out through the yahoo group that another family has received their approval for the visa to allow them to bring their child home to the US.  As far as I know, that makes 6 families of the 80 pipeline cases who have been granted approval.  Slowly but surely things are moving.  I continue to pray for the rest of the families that they too, will receive an approval to bring their children home.

The Congo
Today I got a letter from the Department of Homeland Security- Yeah!!  I get excited when I see those letters! And, my fingerprinting appointment for Baby Boy is December 10th!!!  So excited!!!  Things are definitely moving along:)  Once my fingerprints are submitted, I have to wait to receive the I-171h form which allows me to adopt an orphan.  My dossier can't be sent to Kinshasa DRC without that precious piece of paper.  Many of you may remember how God worked a SERIOUS miracle by getting that to me for SofĂ­a's adoption in less than a week.  Nothing surprises me anymore, it just makes my faith stronger and stronger!  I love seeing how God is working in these two journeys!

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